Consultation offer

We are there for you

Gruberlegal offers specialized legal advice on conflict resolution and contract drafting with a focus on the industrial plant and mechanical engineering industries. In addition, Gruberlegal is also available as a contact partner for an assessment of other legal issues. If particular expertise not covered by Gruberlegal itself is required, it can be provided through Gruberlegal’s extensive network of contacts. In detail:

In detail:

1. Gruberlegal provides support in all phases of a dispute with a view to efficient and cost-effective settlement. The starting point is an analysis of the factual and legal situation and, based on this, an assessment of the risks of the available options for action.

2. The complete “toolbox” of conflict resolution methods is available: Starting with out-of-court negotiations, formalised procedures such as mediation or other methods of Alternative Dispute Resolution, through to court and arbitration proceedings. The latter are the dispute resolution method of choice in many, especially international, relations. Wolfgang Gruber has participated in a large number of (also and especially international) arbitration proceedings under different arbitration rules in different roles, both as party representative and as arbitrator.  He has also conducted a long series of proceedings before state courts accompanying arbitration proceedings, e.g., concerning the constitution of the arbitral tribunal or the setting aside of the enforcement of an arbitral award.

3. His extensive experience with (international) arbitration proceedings enables him to also act as arbitrator. Provided there are no conflicts of interest, Wolfgang Gruber is available for appointments as arbitrator.

4. Wolfgang Gruber is authorized to represent clients before all local, regional and higher regional courts in Germany. However, in addition to representation before German state courts, Gruberlegal is also available to assist clients in conducting litigation before forums other than their registered court, i.e., abroad (e.g. in the selection of a suitable litigation representative before the competent court or in the correspondence and communication with foreign litigation representatives).

5. Gruberlegal has special expertise in the following industries (including and in particular in the legal issues arising in these industries):

  • Construction industry, in particular industrial plant construction

  • Mechanical engineering (including the construction of vehicles and production machinery)

  • Steel production and steel trade

  • Energy industry

  • Chemistry

  • International exchange of goods, including distribution law

  • Corporate law

In addition to commercial issues, disputes in these sectors are often characterized by technical problems, to which Wolfgang Gruber has easy access due to his experience in these fields and his technical interest.

6. In the above-mentioned industries and legal fields, Gruberlegal also offers assistance in the drafting of contracts.

consulting philosophy

Gruberlegal’s consulting philosophy is strictly oriented towards the needs of the client:

# Professional quality and experience at major international law firm level and higher, which is documented and guaranteed by WolfgangGruber’s many years of affiliation with such units;

# Concentration on the essentials, including the human factor.

# The consultant’s own business considerations do not shape the relationship with the client: in particular, the client is not an object of cross-selling efforts with the aim of improving the capacity utilization of a larger unit.

# The lean firm structure not only ensures a low-cost structure, but also avoids   service offers that are to most clients of limited or no value, such as locations in remote areas or overstretched internal support departments, e.g. for marketing, thus eliminating disturbance for the client. Gruberlegal passes these advantages on to clients in the form of a very competitive fee structure.

How can we help?

Please contact us
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